Concept’s 2021 Challenges


After months of lockdown and an inevitable air of uncertainty as to what the summer months will bring this year, the Directors at Concept have set a couple of friendly challenges for all those who are interested within the company. They say friendly because the advantages of these types of events enhances team building and at the same time stimulates individuals to get out and about after months of restrictions and that can be great for morale….……..but, we all know that life isn’t quite that clear cut. Where there is a challenge, there is competition, and where there is competition, there will be a winner!

Dan Small, the Assistant Managing Director, has set the 5K running challenge while Gill Alexander the Financial Director has set the 100 mile walking challenge.

At first, both could be viewed with either an element of skepticism or apprehension. 5K run, easy, I could jog that? 100-mile walk, that’s a long way and imagine the blisters after that distance! So, two interesting sets of parameters were stipulated.

Saturday 1st May – Monday 31st May – using the ‘Map my Walk’ App on their phones. Whoever achieves the highest mileage above 100 miles for the month will receive £100 from the Company and £100 for the winner’s charity of choice. Ten members of the Accounts and Administration teams have phones charged, walking boots and backpacks stocked and Elastoplast’s at the ready. Being a Bank Holiday weekend, both at the start and the finish of the challenge, inevitably there will be a surge of effort at both ends by the competitors; but will the consistent steady walkers win the day? Tuesday 1st June will see the outcome.     

Sunday August 1st – Brighton Marina. A flat 5K from the Marina to Brighton Pier and back again. The winner is who can get the closest to completing the course in under 20 minutes! Yes, who could run sub 4 minutes a kilometer for five of them. Fourteen guys are currently in training and there certainly seems to be an element of sand bagging on times in some quarters already. Watch for the results later this year!

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Help us crack prostate cancer


Prostate Cancer Charity Golf Day

On Tuesday 29 April 2014 the Royal Engineers (DCRE) based at RAF Brize Norton organised a charity golf day in aid of prostate cancer. It is a popular twice annual event, attended by staff and contractors working on the station.

Concept supported the event by providing prizes for the after golf presentation. Dan Small and Paul Phillimore were there on the day representing Concept.

The day was a great success, with nice weather and a really fantastic dinner carvery. We look forward to the next event!

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